Twelve PROFITTRADER™ for METASTOCK™ Indicators have been combined into nine templates with four sub-templates to show how the ProfitTrader™ Indicators combine to analyze and trade markets based upon timing, trend, and Mechanical Buy/Sell Signals.

A word about Templates -- The MetaStock program does not allow control of the indicator styles and colors. A consistent style of color and thickness cannot be set for individual indicators to plot the same on every chart. Therefore, ProfitTrader for MetaStock makes extensive use of the Template feature to maintain the same identifiable styles for individual indicators and combinations of indicators. PT Users, click here to learn more about the use of Templates.

Click on (1) to begin:

    1. DoubleStoc10 Oscillator with Mechanical Buy/Sell Signals
      The Double Stochastic oscillator (DBS10) is a powerful trading tool and trend indicator that generates high-probability Mechanical Buy/Sell Signals that also serve as identifiers of cycle bottoms and tops. The accuracy factor of the Bressert DoubleStoc10 Buy and Sell Signals is approximately 70%.
    2. DBS5 Oscillator With Mechanical Buy/Sell Signals
      The Bressert DoubleStoc 5 tends to show the smaller cycles and generates Buy and Sell Signals that are up to 90% accurate for the shorter-term cycles. It also interacts with the DoubleStoc10 to form Buy and Sell Patterns.
    3. BLine Oscillator and Buy/Sell Signals
      The Bressert BLine oscillator generates Buy/Sell Signals that are even more accurate than the Bressert DoubleStoc in identifying cycle tops and bottoms, 80% and higher depending upon the market and time frame.. The BLine Buy/Sell Signals combine well with the DBS10 Buy/Sell Signals, often confirming a Double Stoc Signal with a BLine Signal, the following bar. A combined BLine/DBS10 Signal often occurs at significant tops and bottoms.
    4. DBS5 and 10 with Buy/Sell Setup Signals and Oscillator Patterns
      The DBS10 and DBS5 are powerful stand-alone oscillators that generate high-probability Mechanical Buy/Sell Signals. When the DBS10 and DBS5 Buy/Sell Signals and Trading Patterns are combined, they become even more powerful and are frequently followed by substantial moves, most often in the direction of trend.
    5. All (4) Buy/Sell Signals With the BLine Oscillator
      Four Mechanical Buy and Sell Signals are combined into one Template. The BLine Buy/Sell Signals give the strongest identification of cycle tops and bottoms and trend reversals, but the combination of three and four Trading Signals are often followed by significant moves in the direction of the signal.
    6. Trend Direction
      The most consistent path to profits is to trade in the direction of trend… and anticipate trend reversals. The EMA Trend Indicator is an excellent tool for determination of the trading trend, and when combined with the EMA %Diff and MA %Diff Indicators, the odds of catching trend reversals is greatly increased... by watching the direction of trend relative to the %Diff and the EMA lines, you can trade high-probability Oscillator Patterns based on the interaction of the DBS5 and the DBS10 in Templates 1-4.
    7. Keltner Bands and Buy/Sell Signals
      Keltner Bands are an excellent and powerful analytical trading tool to anticipate Support and Resistance levels in trending moves, and to also identify Support/Resistance levels of Congestion Ranges.
    8. Detrend Template Combines Trend With B-S Signals
      The PT Detrend Template combines the EMA Trend Indicator, %Diff lines, and Buy/Sell Signals to identify high probability trades that often occur at cycle tops and bottoms in a trending market.
    9. Time Forecasting With Timing Bands
      The ProfitTrader Timing Bands, a powerful forecasting and trading tool based on historical cycle tops and bottoms, forecast the most probable time periods for future cycle tops and bottoms, and are used in combination with the other indicators to determine trend and trend reversals.
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To Apply a Template:

1) Create a chart with data.

2) Right click in a blank space in the price chart.

3) Choose "Apply Template" and locate the WB Templates Group which has the MetaStock ProfitTrader Templates in it.

4) MetaStock will create a duplicate of the original chart and apply the Template to that duplicate.

5) Delete the original chart and use the new chart.

NOTE: A Template "erases" all of the indicators on the original chart, so do not try to apply more than one Template to a chart as the second Template will plot on a new chart. To apply two or more Templates use two or more charts, applying one Template to one chart. The Templates allow you to be consistent in applying the indicators to any chart without spending valuable time changing colors and style. You can also plot a Template Combination, then add and delete ProfitTrader indicators, or any other MS indicators to build your own Template Combination, and save it as a Template with a name of your choice.

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