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The 20-day cycle bottoms are indicated by the up arrows. The October low is indicated by the two up arrows because it was also a 20-week cycle bottom. The late January high was the top of the 20-week cycle, and prices have fallen into a potential 20-day cycle bottom at "D". A rise above the blue setup bar would give 70% confirmation of a daily trading cycle bottom that is even more significant because it is also a divergent bottom in which the price low at "D" was lower than the earlier swing low, but the oscillator low at "D" was higher, both for the blue 10-day Bressert double stochastic and the purple 5-day double stochastic.

A drop below the trading cycle low on 1/13 confirms the top of the 20-week cycle. Prices finding support at the blue EMA line is an indicator of a bottom that will be confirmed by a rise above the high of the blue setup bar.

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