Walter Bressert Stock Indices and Futures OnLine
...EMA Trend Indicator

ProfitTrader� EMA Trend Indicator
In the search for low $ risk, high probability trades, buying bottoms and selling tops is attempted by most traders of stocks and commodities. Many traders will tell you that buying bottoms and selling tops is very high risk, and it is, if you are trading against the trend (or unaware of the timing of expected cycle turning points).

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  • Effective 12/18, we have added a Q&A feature to this presentation. To post a question on this indicator for Walter to answer, and to view previous Q&A sessions, click Q&A Session. (You will be prompted to sign our guest register to participate in this part of the presentation if you have not already done so.)
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Audio - Q&A Sesson
Chart 10 - EMA - The trend is up because the red EMA line is above the blue EMA line. The red Cycle ID line and blue Bressert Double Stochastic oscillator with setup/entry bars would be used to buy the cycle bottoms in the direction of trend with profits being taken as the Trading Cycle tops with the high peaks of the Cycle ID.

Chart 10 - The EMA trend indicator is comprised of two exponential moving averages that show the trend of the next longer dominant cycle which sets the trading trend. The trend is up when the red EMA line is above the blue EMA line. When the red line is below the blue line and moving lower, the trend is down. When it flattens a market is usually entering a trading range or indicating a reversal of trend direction.


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Q&A Session for the EMA Trend Indicator

To view previous Q&A; sessions, click on the question(s) of choice below. To post a question on this indicator for Walter to answer, click Submit Question.

You will be prompted to sign our Guest Register to view this part of the presentation if you have not already done so.

Posted by: Mark Harrington/COA Consulting, Inc., Jacksonville, FL, USA on 02/15/2000
I've purchased your Profit Trader which so far seems like a very unique analysis tool. I have a question however, about the online seminar regarding the EMA Trend Indicator. You state that you should use a weekly indicator on top of a daily chart and I'm sorry if this sound elementary but how do you do that? Doesn't the EMA inputs relate to the daily bars themselves?