and Mid-Cycle Pause Price Forecaster
One of the advantages of identifying cycles is the
ability to forecast the approximate time periods and price levels
of the next cycle top or bottom. Using the previous trading cycle
as a base, the MCP Objective forecasts the most probable price level
for the next cycle top or bottom to occur.
prices do not always reach or stop at the next MCP price objective.
Often, prices will stop at a .618% move of the MCP; other times,
prices will move well beyond the MCP, reaching a 1.618% move from
the previous cycle top or bottom. Prices meeting support or resistance
at these price levels when in a HAL OB/OS Band, and as the Double
Stoc oscillator is at an extreme, or turning to generate a Mechanical
Buy/Sell signal, will frequently indicate a trading cycle is topping
or bottoming. |