Trend and Price Swings |
Are you aware that market losses most often occur because people trade against the trend? The trading public is most often trying to buy bottoms in a downtrend or sell tops in an uptrend. Professional traders, having paid dearly for their mistakes, most often trade with the trend. The trend is your friend. If it is up, buy the dips, and if it is down sell the rallies. Great advice, but how do you make it work to your advantage. You can usually see what the trend was, but how do you know what the trend is, or more importantly, whether the trend is going to continue - or reverse? The legendary W.D. Gann developed his MASTER TREND CALCULATOR, and it is as valuable and accurate today as it was in his day. It works in all markets, in all time frames and many of today's trading techniques and systems are based on it. I call it the pulse of the market, and in this session explain how to use it and other techniques to determine and trade trend. Audio
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Lesson: Trend and Price Swings |
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